The Loneliest Woman in the World


I recently had the opportunity to visit Vienna and decided to hop over to Bratislava for an afternoon.  My initial impression upon arrival wasn’t positive.  The central portion of the old town is overrun with tourist-focused eateries and tchotchke shops.  I dodged the hoards of people, kept walking and hoped the city had more to offer.  Thankfully, I wasn’t disappointed.

I soon found myself wandering along nearly deserted streets, just a few blocks away from the central square.  Paved in cobblestone and lined with brightly colored buildings, the streets overwhelmed me with their beauty.  I began photographing the buildings and narrow alleyways and soon noticed a petite older woman, very carefully making her way across the bumpy stones.  She was impeccably dressed and walked so slowly that it was almost as though she wasn’t moving at all.  She kept her head down and didn’t seem to notice anyone around, save for one young woman sitting on a curb with whom she stopped to share a few words.

I snapped a few shots of this intriguing woman, and I have dubbed these photos “The loneliest woman in the world.”

How Does Your Garden Grow

Our garden is coming along nicely, and we’ve already enjoyed several cucumbers and eggplants.  While those plants matured quickly, others are just beginning to bear – like our cucamelon.  I just noticed the first fruits today, and wanted to share some photos here, along with a few other new offspring we’ll be watching over the next week or so.

Urban Gardening

My husband is growing a full-fledged garden in the front yard of our rowhouse – smack dab in the middle of the city.  He has most of the basics covered – tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, eggplants, zucchini and herbs – as well as a few “exotic” plants, including tomatillos and cucamelons.  While none of the veggies are quite yet ready to pick, most of the plants have begun bearing.

I snapped a few pics of zucchini flowers this afternoon…

Photography 101: Life in Manual Mode

I love photos.  After all, when you get home from the airport, after you say “I Do,” or when the sun sets on another day, what else do you have but the memory of precious events and little life moments?  With photography, we can chronicle and recall these memories, relive the experiences that shape us.

I bought my first DSLR about two years ago, before Derek and I were preparing to embark on an extended trip to Africa and Europe.  We were going on safari, and I wanted to capture the majesty of the animals with more than a point-and-shoot.  I’m happy with my photos, though I only used the camera in automatic settings.  Before heading out on another journey this year to New Zealand, I tasked myself with learning to make photos, instead of merely taking them.

I enrolled in a four-week Introductory to Photography class taught by Sam D’Amico. During this time, I learned to operate my camera in fully manual mode.  The class was both educational and rewarding – and it paid off in New Zealand!  I still have much to learn and am planning to take an intermediary class soon.  In the meantime, I’m continuing to push myself to see life in different ways and translate that into my photos.

Below are some of my initial photos taken during the course of the photography class.  At the time, we were learning metering and exposure, depth of field and the like, so you will see these aspects highlighted in the photos.

Stay tuned for upcoming entries from our New Zealand trip…complete with photos, itinerary recommendations and more!